A Journey of Truth

Knowing one’s own truth.

  • We are all on a journey toward knowing ourselves better, becoming more aware and more connected to the truth of who we really are.
  • It is only through our relationships with others that we discover deeper truths about ourselves.
  • One can never know the truth about another’s journey towards truth.

I am on my own unique journey and can never know about another’s journey.

Every person’s journey is unique to themselves. Though someone else may not allow themselves to know much about their journey, but it is certain that I cannot know about it. So I will stop trying to figure out the truth of another’s journey.

If I am looking to others to decide what to do, think, or feel, I am lost in their journey. I feel unease. When I let go of trying to figure out the other person’s journey, their intention, their goal or motivation, I feel ease.

I can always know the truth about myself.

  • The journey towards my truth exists only for me. It is unique to me and for me.
  • My truth does not have to be substantiated with facts. It does not have to be proven. It does not have to be confirmed.
  • With mindfulness, I can be well connected to my truth.

Truth is always powerful guidance for me.

There is always a flow of source energy through me that is pure guidance in my journey toward truth. This guidance is communicated through body, mind, emotions, and spirit. When I have a thought, physical sensation, or emotion, I have a response.

There are only two responses: ease, and unease. Humans have many names for each.
Ease = love, peace, joy, etc.
Unease = anger, fear, sadness, etc.

Inner guidance is a steady beacon for me to stay on my course.

  • If my response is ease, the thing I have responded to is in harmony with my true Self.
  • If my response is unease, it is not in harmony with my true Self.
  • As I allow myself to connect more and more with this guidance, the clearer this becomes.
  • When I head toward my course, I feel ease. When I head away from my course, I feel unease.

When I think, “I am unworthy”, I feel unease.
Do I feel unease because I am unworthy?
Nope. I feel unease because the thought that I am unworthy is untrue.

Why I tell the truth.

The telling of the truth is its greatest reward.
It sets me free from myself as I let go that the telling of my truth will have any impact on the world outside myself.

How I tell the truth to others.

I cannot know the truth about others. Any truth that I know is about myself only. In order to take responsibility for my actions, thoughts and behaviors, when I speak the truth, I speak about myself, only.
Not the past or future. So when I speak the truth, I express what I am experiencing right now.

When I tell the truth.

When not telling the truth would interfere with the kind of relationship I want with others.
When I would not feel good about myself if I withheld the truth.
When the following three conditions are met:

  •    I can own it completely.
  •    I feel sure that it needs to be said.
  •    I believe it will help in some way.

How I ACT on the truth.

Once I have told myself the truth, it is time to take some action on it.
Action toward ease for myself rather toward unease for others.
Action to change what I can of the situation.

  •     Say what I am going to do, i.e. set a limit for myself (not someone else) and then follow through.
  •     Propose what I would like from the other (preferring but not needing to get what I want).
  •     Leave the situation. Create some space for myself to recover, nurture, and/or support myself.
  •     Allow the presence of the situation.
  •     Allow it to be enough that I shared my truth.
  •     Allow my action to take me into a deeper state of knowing myself.