Fan Wu

Fan Wu

Marriage and Family Therapist Trainee

“One flower, one world; one tree, one Bodhi.” This Buddhist phrase reminds us that every person holds unique value and meaning. We all deserve understanding, appreciation, care, and love. Yet, life often throws challenges in our way, leaving us stuck in self-doubt or even fear. Unfamiliar emotions and situations can weigh us down, straining our relationships and keeping us from truly thriving.

I see myself as a steady companion, walking with you through life’s uncertain paths. I believe that a warm, accepting, and non-judgmental space is the foundation of our work together.

With 20 years working in high-tech, creative fields, and nonprofit, I bring diverse perspectives that deepen empathy, creativity, and practical insight in our therapeutic relationship.

My approach is collaborative and integrative, drawing from different models and techniques to create a path that’s uniquely yours.

Whether you’re navigating big life or career changes, facing relationship challenges, working through personal or intergenerational trauma, or are seeking more balance and clarity in life, I’m here to help you uncover the insights that lead to healing, growth, and a deeper sense of purpose.

Please call or email me to schedule a free 15-minute session to see if it feels right for us to work together. I look forward to joining you on your journey toward greater well-being.

Fan Wu, Marriage and Family Therapist Trainee
Supervised by Gayathri Ram Mohan, LCSW #102168
408-963-6694 ext. 488

佛教中有一句箴言:“一花一世界,一树一菩提。” 这句话提醒我们,每个人、每件事物都蕴含着独特的价值与深刻的意义。每个生命都像一朵花或一棵树般,独立而完整,值得被理解、珍视与关怀。现实生活中,我们常常面对各种挑战,它们有时会让我们陷入自我怀疑与恐惧之中。我们可能会因无法理解新的情感和境遇而感到困惑,而这些动荡不仅影响我们的内心世界,还可能加剧人际关系的紧张,阻碍我们发掘潜能和让生命充分绽放。


我长达20年的工作背景涵盖高科技、创意产业和多家非营利组织,而且我长期参与促进中国移民社群和其他族裔之间的多元深度交流的事业。我拥有斯坦福大学 (Stanford University) 大众传媒学的硕士学位,目前在圣克拉拉大学 (Santa Clara University) 研读临床心理学。这些丰富的人生经历赋予我多元的视角,为我们的治疗关系增添了更多的同理心、创造力和实用见解。



Process Therapy Institute MFT 实习心理咨询师
师从Gayathri Ram Mohan (LCSW #102168)
408-963-6694 ext. 488