Policy Statement

About PTI

Process Therapy Institute is a non-profit, tax exempt and charitable educational institution, where we train students in the concepts, skills and art of being a psychotherapist. Therapy is being offered to you as a part of this training program. Your therapist is either a California state-licensed therapist or is under the supervision of a California state-licensed therapist. Supervisors are available to give and receive feedback. We are a United Way designated organization.


The philosophy at the institute is based on the theory that all humans are moving toward the resolution of their issues and towards balance with the universe. We see psychotherapy as an opportunity to focus and intensify those processes. We will be inviting you to begin, continue on, or return to the journey of finding your inner truth and to live from that truth with love for both yourself and others.

We believe that healing and recovery happens when clients are in the present moment and explore their inner journey, as well as their outer journey.

Model of Therapy

We support the ideas that:

1) the relationships with self is extended into his/her relationships with others,

2) through our relationships with others we figure out our relationship with ourselves,

3) relationships are gifts for discovering ourselves as well as opportunities to celebrate ourselves with others,

4) relationships become unfulfilling when we get stuck in our old injuries and issues then play them out on others, and

5) relationships can be healed and developed and nurtured to become very fulfilling.


1) to communicate, solve problems, and learn to maintain positive interactions,

2) to discover the unproductive interactions within the relationship, and to practice new techniques that lead to more fulfillment within those interactions, and

3) to help clients to transcend, heal, and get beyond their old ineffective patterns of interaction that interfere with fulfilling relationships.

4) to expand conscious awareness and spiritual expansions for themselves

We use a client-centered approach to therapy. Therapists are trained to respect, trust and follow the client into and through the unresolved issues that interfere with fulfilling relationships. The therapist is trained to transcend their own issues so they can be with clients without any agendas of the client, and so they can remain neutral and empathetic to whatever arises for the clients.

We use a variety of invitations to help clients connect with self and then with others, including dialogue, expressive arts, imagery, and other mediums. This is an action oriented model of therapy where clients are invited to go beyond just the story, where clients can work on issues that show up in the moment, and where clients are invited to keep a focus on self and to take responsibility for what they can change.


Consider your psychotherapy a team process between yourself and your therapist, a mutual journey where working together and honoring boundaries is essential to the therapeutic environment. The direction to take in this quest is never absolute. Therefore, we do not give advice. We do, however, suggest a variety of ideas in order to invite you to find your truth. All therapeutic invitations to explore or experience yourself are given without a need for them to be accepted. You have the choice at any time to accept or to refuse an invitation. We invite you to work together with your therapist to make and keep your therapeutic experience safe and satisfactory. One way you can contribute to that goal is to say what is true for you and to let your therapist know clearly what it is you need or want.


For most people, effective psychotherapy requires a shift in lifestyle and involves a commitment to be curious about and connected with your experience of yourself. Expect to connect with fear, anger, grief and joy as you move toward the resolution of existential, developmental and personally traumatic issues. Resolving family interaction patterns that do not work, and developing solutions to problems requires as much tenacity as it does courage. The therapy session is a regularly scheduled opportunity for you to be intimate with yourself, and to persevere in your quest.


You are entitled to complete confidentiality. No disclosure of information about you shall occur without your written consent except under the following circumstances:

We are legally mandated to report reasonable suspicion of child abuse, elder abuse, dependent adult abuse, and threats of harm or violence to others. Discuss the definitions with your therapist if you are not sure what constitutes abuse.

We must also act to protect you from injury to yourself.

Unless your therapist is licensed, he/she is under the supervision of a licensed therapist and attends supervision. From time to time your case will be discussed, therefore extending confidentiality to the supervisor, and the supervision group members.

If you are participating in the mirror program, confidentiality is extended to the trainer and to others participating in and observing the training program. You will be introduced to the trainer and, if you wish, any other persons who view your sessions.

Minors above the age of twelve have the right to confidentiality unless they are perceived harmful to themselves or others and can, under certain conditions, participate in therapy without parental consent.

You may have access to information in your file upon written request.

Patient realizes that the therapist is not able to protect the confidentiality of email or communication with other outside devises.


If you miss an appointment, except in cases of emergencies and unanticipated illness, you will be charged the regular session fee unless you call to cancel twenty-four hours (or more) before the appointment time.


To leave a message for your therapist, call (408) 963-6694, and press in his/her voice mail number. If you do not know the extension number, press “7” and you will hear a directory. This voice mail system is usually the best way to contact your therapist. Therapists generally check their voicemail several times a day, and will usually return your call promptly.

There is occasionally someone in the office available to answer the phone. Press ‘0’ to ring into the office.

Crisis Calls

If you feel you are in crisis, you can call your therapist and your call will be returned as soon as possible. In a crisis, don’t count one hundred percent on your therapist being available immediately. Take action to protect yourself and others by getting the support you need from crisis lines, friends, and other immediately available resources.


Hourly counseling fees at PTI range from $35 to $100 (see below) and depend on the program in which you are participating, your ability to pay, and the therapist’s fee range as set by PTI. Fees are to be paid at the time of service.

Fees for various programs:

Mirror training program = $35/session

Low fee student therapist program = $40 to $100

Victim Witness program = no fee

Life crisis program = free for 3 sessions

Intern program = $40 to $100 negotiated between you and the intern.

Non-psychotherapeutic services such as consultations with other professionals, preparation of reports or special forms, court time, etc. are billed at $100 per hour

There is a $10 fee for bounced checks.


All psychotherapy sessions take place at the PTI office building. Each therapist sets her/his own schedule, and is generally available to negotiate a day and time convenient to all involved. Sessions occur weekly at that same day and time, unless otherwise arranged. Sessions are usually 50 minutes. Mirror program sessions are 45 minutes.


Children are not to be left unattended at PTI. If you are the client, provide a responsible party to attend the child while you are in session or take the child into session with you. If the child is the client, a parent or other responsible party must be in attendance for the entire session in the building in which the child is being seen.

Legal Proceedings

Our primary role is to offer you psychotherapeutic and counseling services. Our focus will be on your therapeutic process. If you are planning to use the information collected in sessions for legal proceedings of any kind, we want you to know that our ongoing process notes are kept to a minimum. Relying on us for accurate content information is not advisable. Most of our attention is on your inner awareness as it unfolds in the room. This does not translate well to the criminal or civil justice system, where accurate information is essential.


When you decide to end or temporarily discontinue your therapy, we invite you to schedule a termination session in order to complete our interactions and create a clear ending.

Schedule your free discovery session

Call Janet on 408 963 6694 or submit the appointments form on the counseling page.